
Steel structure space frame building dome construction matters

The construction of steel structure spatial frame architectural domes involves several critical considerations to ensure construction quality and safety. Here are some key construction matters to be addressed: 1. Design and Planning: Ensure that the design and planning of the dome are fully completed before construction. This includes structural design, load calculations, construction drawings, and more. 2. Foundation Preparation: Verify that the dome's foundation has been built and accepted to provide stable support. 3. Material Procurement and Inspection: Ensure the quality of all steel structure materials, including steel columns, beams, connectors, etc. For large-span domes, custom manufacturing might be necessary, so arranging material procurement in advance is crucial. 4. Safety Considerations: Safety is paramount during construction. Workers should use proper personal protective equipment such as helmets, safety shoes, harnesses, etc. 5. Scaffold Erection: To facilitate con

Foundation embedding of steel structure construction

  First, measure the line during the construction of the steel structure . 1. According to the design requirements, compare the picture of the civil engineering unit to check the elevation and axis accurate; 2. Before construction, use the axis and elevation of the latitude and weft meter or a level instrument. Use a marker or ink line as a mark, indicate the elevation, and make a record; 3. Determine the connection surface and axis of each steel column on the basics; 4. Try to avoid the collision between the steel column and the bolt and avoid deformation of the bottom of the column. Reduce the bending deformation of the contact surface with the foundation and the bolt, resulting in unnecessary losses; 5. The measurement of the line is accurate, and the pile base is solid and accurate. Those who cause the materials and rework caused by errors will bear all responsibilities by the responsible person, and a minimum deduction of 200 RMB at a time. Pay attention to the error during the co

Irreplaceable technology on steel structure space frame

In structural products, space frame structures are not uncommon, they can be used in daily life, and can also be used in building bases for building construction. No matter in which occasion or in which usage situation, we must pay attention that this structure cannot lack the collocation and use of the following technologies. First, welding technology. Although welding is relatively simple, they are the main technical form to connect two products, two metal products, and fuse them into one. The welding of the space frame of the steel structure is to allow many of them to complete the overall construction of the structure. It is a kind of building or product that is integrated by welding. Therefore, welding technology is indispensable for making various products or building buildings from this structure. Second, stabilize technology. The so-called stability is to make many space frame structures have a stable effect in various use occasions, without loosening, abnormality, failure and

Problems of Steel Structure in Building Structure Design

  1.Decline in design quality The manpower and material resources required for steel structure design are much larger than that of general architectural design, and the design time limit is generally shorter, the design funds given are less, and the design tasks are larger. Therefore, steel structure Design tasks often have the problem of no one accepting them. Even if a design task is accepted, its design quality is often unsatisfactory. After contracting a project, the construction unit often subcontracts the steel structure design task of this project, because the construction unit rarely has the qualification for steel structure design, but because the design unit that subcontracts the project may also lack corresponding experience And talents, in this case, the steel structure design work often fails due to the confusion of the construction market. Moreover, due to the lack of corresponding supervision systems and legal normative documents, it is generally difficult to take measu

Space frame has become one of the important fields of modern architectural structure

Since the 20th century, the spatial structure has been greatly developed all over the world. The space frame structure is a kind of space grid structure. The so-called "space structure" is relative to the "plane structure", which has the characteristics of three-dimensional function. The space structure can also be regarded as the expansion and deepening of the plane structure. Since the advent of the space structure, it has been welcomed by people for its high-efficiency mechanical performance, novel and beautiful form, and fast and convenient construction. In stadiums, convention centers, cultural facilities, transportation hubs and even industrial plants that require large spans and large spaces, space structures can be seen everywhere.   After a century of continuous development of space structure, in terms of structural form, in addition to space frame and reticulated shell, membrane structure, tensegrity system, open and close roof, and foldable structure are

Long-span space steel space frame is not limited to traditional single structure

Modern long-span space steel space frames are no longer limited to the traditional single structural form, and new structural forms and various combined structural forms are constantly emerging. Structural forms are becoming more and more complex. The "Bird's Nest" adopts a complex twisted space truss structure, the "Water Cube" adopts a polyhedral space rigid frame structure based on foam theory, the Olympic Badminton Stadium adopts the world's largest spanned string dome structure, and the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center adopts a stringed truss structure . Large-span space buildings such as "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube" are very difficult to construct, because they are three-dimensional shapes and structural systems with spatial forces. The "Bird's Nest" is a hyperboloid saddle shape, with a high point of 68.5 meters and a low point of 40.1 meters. The plane is elliptical, with a long axis of

Steel structure workshop steel color plate anticorrosion construction standard

Requirements for anti-corrosion treatment of steel color plates in steel structure workshops:   1. The surface of the steel color plate on the roof of the steel structure workshop should be flat, and the welding slag, burr, rust, oil, etc. should be cleaned before construction;   2. The treatment method for the surface of the roof steel color plate of the steel structure workshop can be derusted by spraying or projecting, and derusting by hand and power tools;   3. The level of rust removal by spraying or projecting shall meet the following requirements: 1Sa1 level: the steel surface should be free of visible grease and dirt, and free of scale, rust and paint coatings that are not firmly attached; 2Sa2 level: There should be no visible grease and dirt on the surface of the steel, and the attachments such as scale, rust and paint coating have been basically removed, and the residues should be firm and reliable; 3Sa2 grade: There should be no visible grease, dirt, scale, rust and paint