Space frame has become one of the important fields of modern architectural structure

Since the 20th century, the spatial structure has been greatly developed all over the world. The space frame structure is a kind of space grid structure. The so-called "space structure" is relative to the "plane structure", which has the characteristics of three-dimensional function. The space structure can also be regarded as the expansion and deepening of the plane structure. Since the advent of the space structure, it has been welcomed by people for its high-efficiency mechanical performance, novel and beautiful form, and fast and convenient construction. In stadiums, convention centers, cultural facilities, transportation hubs and even industrial plants that require large spans and large spaces, space structures can be seen everywhere.


After a century of continuous development of space structure, in terms of structural form, in addition to space frame and reticulated shell, membrane structure, tensegrity system, open and close roof, and foldable structure are all new members of space structure. In the early 20th century, steel materials provided conditions for the development of space frame structures, and later aluminum alloys made the space frame members lighter. In recent years, composite materials, especially a large number of new building materials have been developed, which have had a strong impact on the development of space structures. In terms of material application, due to the continuous improvement of steel varieties and strength, more and more space structures use section steel, steel pipes, steel rods, cables and even cast steel products. To a large extent, the space structure has become a "space steel structure". With the emergence of modern computers, some new theories and analysis methods, such as finite element method, nonlinear analysis, dynamic analysis, etc., have been widely used in space structures, making the calculation and design of space structures more convenient and accurate, making Spatial structures are now ever-changing and diverse. It can be said that spatial structure has become one of the most important and active fields of contemporary architectural structure.


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