Three types of steel structures commonly used in gas stations

Gas stations are common to everyone. The main material of gas stations is steel structure, and the space frame structure is a high-order statically indeterminate structural system. It has the advantages of small space force, light weight, high stiffness, and good seismic performance. The space frame is a manifestation of the space frame. The SAFS steel structure shares 3 forms of the space frame of the gas station below:

1. The space frame of the triangular pyramid system: it is divided into the triangular cone space frame, the evacuated triangular cone space frame, the honeycomb-shaped triangular cone space frame, etc. It is suitable for buildings with flat shapes such as rectangles, triangles, polygons and circles.

2. Space frame of hexagonal pyramid system: The space frame structure composed of heptahedrons is called the space frame of hexagonal pyramid system. Its basic unit is 6 chords, a hexagonal pyramid gas station space frame formed by 6 chords.

3. Space frame of cross truss system: a space frame structure composed of two or three groups of plane trusses, which is the simplest and one of the earliest gas station space frame structures.

Through the understanding of the three forms of the space frame of the gas station, I hope everyone can have a better understanding of the space frame structure. The SAFS steel structure space frame has rich experience, advanced technology and a strong team, which is your best choice.


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