Method for calculating bolt ball space frame and measuring bolt ball angle

Bolt ball is an accessory of steel structure space frame, but it plays a vital role in the whole construction project. There are also many builders who like the bolt ball made by Chinese steel structure space frame manufacturers very much, because its quality and price have certain advantages. The following is a brief description of the method of measuring the angle of the bolt ball.

The angle between the axes of the two adjacent screw holes of the bolt ball is required to be ±30. This parameter is very important. In the standard, the diameter of the bolt ball is generally from 100mm to 260mm. The number of screw holes varies, generally 3-9 holes. The axis of each screw hole passes through the center of the ball. When the bolt ball is processed, the position of the screw hole on the bolt ball is marked in the angular coordinate space on the drawing.

For bolt ball space frame calculation, when measuring the bolt ball angle, first screw the bolt ball on the lower threaded core rod and fix it, then screw it into the upper core rod, and adjust the indicating scale of the upper and lower core rods to be the same size. The purpose of this is to position the end face of the standard core rod so that the horizontal axis of the bolt ball passes through the actual 0 scale line of the curved arm. This kind of adjustment is under the same specification batch measurement, the lower core rod can not move, and does not need to be adjusted.


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