Reasons of Corrosion of Large Span space frame Structures

The aging of the space frame structure paint is an important reason for the corrosion of the space frame structure. No matter what kind of material basically has aging characteristics, and anti-corrosion coatings will also have aging problems. It is because of the aging problem of this kind of paint that the anti-corrosion coating of the steel structure fails, which in turn causes the space frame structure to corrode and rust and affect the service life.

It is also because of the natural environment surrounding the space frame structure. If the air around the space frame structure is relatively humid, it will definitely cause the space frame structure to gradually rust under the erosion of water and air.

The content of corrosive and harmful components such as carbides, nitrides and sulfides in the polluted atmosphere will also affect the service life of the space frame structure.

For the maintenance of the space frame structure, it is necessary to pay attention at all times. It is best to have a layer of film on it. At the same time, it needs to be painted with anti-corrosion paint after a period of time to be able to use it for a long time.

The above are the reasons for the corrosion of large span space frame structures. We must pay attention to such problems and solve them effectively.

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