Methods of constructing space frame in winter

 What installation matters should be paid attention to if the space frame structure is constructed in the cold winter? Today I will share some methods with you briefly.

1. Before installing the space frame, we should remove ice, snow and dew on the surface of the components but not damage the coating.

2. When assembling the space frame, we need to remove the rust, burrs, dirt, oil, snow and other debris left in the 50mm joints to keep the joints dry and free of residual moisture.

3. Anti-slip spacers should be added when using steel cables to hoist the space frame. The installers need to use ropes to bind the gusset plate firmly that is lifted simultaneously with the components.

4. The welding rod used under minus temperature should not be exposed for more than 2 hours, and it must be re-baked if it exceeds 2 hours. The number of baking of the electrode can not exceed 3 times.

5. When space frame components are manufactured at positive temperature and installed at minus temperature, the shrinkage of the components should be considered according to the difference in ambient temperature, and technical measures to adjust the deviation should be taken during the construction.

After listening to my introduction, do you have a better understanding of the space frame structure? If you still don't understand, you can contact me.


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